Corporate Governance (CG) is “indispensable to effective market discipline” (Levitt, 1999), as it covers all aspects from legitimacy to ethics, governance to sustainability and equity to public/private sector relationships. Corporate Governance is our main focus as it tops the Boardroom agenda and best practices for most top tier organizations globally.
We provide an array of services in assisting the Board of Directors in pursuing greater heights in Corporate Governance practices. Specifically, we provide:
In these fast-changing times, outsourcing non-core functions to third-party specialized BPO providers have become more of a necessity. BPO is a practice where a company enlist the assistance of professionals to perform some of its non-core functions on a short to long term basis or just simply based on a specific task.
Here at Centegy, we offer BPO services to enable sustainable and cost-effective results for our clients’ operations. Our core expertise are in:
Our success is deeply connected to our close collaboration with key decision makers in defining the strategies and desired outcomes such as performance targets, critical success factors, risk and control requirements, business outcomes such as increased sales, cost optimization, enhanced customer experience and satisfaction etc., higher retention of talent and many more.
In Centegy, we strive to bring out the best from the Board to Business Units level in formalizing the risk management practices in the organization. Our approach to ERM is aimed at assimilating the elements of ERM framework into various business processes to cover Strategic, Operation, Reporting and Compliance related risks.
Our ERM service suite is Simple, Practical and Fast in showcasing the typically complex risk register of a company. By applying our simple and practical approach, risk owners and their team members are quick and proactive to Identify, Assess, Manage and Monitor & Report on their risks. ERM guidance and reference considered in our approach include COSO and ISO31000.
If you decide to have an in-house audit function, we can assist in performing an array of Operation, Financial, Management Performance, IT and Forensic reviews for your organisation.
Our IPPF-compliant assurance services would fulfil the needs and obligations of the Board of Directors and Board Audit Committee in obtaining assurance on the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal control system within the organisation.
We can also help build a more dynamic and strategically focused Internal Audit function through co-sourcing arrangements with your existing Internal Audit function to increase the breadth and depth of the audit scope to add real value to the key internal audit’s stakeholders. We will commit to transfer vital know-how and expertise through on –the-job and classroom training. Our forte and domain expertise are in :
In assisting the Board Audit Committee in appraising the contribution of their corporate Internal Audit function (in-house or outsourced), we provide annual QA reviews.
The primary objective of a QA review is to obtain a ‘health-check status’ on the effectiveness and efficiency of the existing Internal Audit (IA) function in fulfilling their duties as stated in the Audit Charter and within the 4Ps IA Framework that we propagate. The 4Ps IA Framework comprises:
The secondary objective of a QA review is to ascertain whether the existing formation and practice framework of the Internal Audit function meet the International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF) as suggested by the Institute of Internal Auditors. Our review process usually entails: